BRAIN DRAIN :causes and unit 10
1.Lack of job opportunities in the home-country. |
2.Lack of research facilities, materials, funding and support. |
3.Absence of opportunities to do more studies-postgraduate studies. |
4.Low salaries in the home-country as opposed to higher salaries in the host countries. |
5.Comfortable working conditions in developed countries. |
6.Job stress, length of working time in the home land. |
7.Lack of freedom and human rights in some countries. |
8.More opportunities of free speech in the receiving countries. |
9.Wars, conflicts, geographic conditions push people away as well-Iraq, Afghanistan |
10.Thinking of securing a better future for ones’ family and kids pushes some professionals to emigration. |
11.Gaining more experience and skill in the developed countries.
1.The home-country becomes empty of professionals. |
2.Poor social services like education and health care due to lack of professionals. |
3.The country always relies on foreign assistance and help. |
4.The home country always remains underdeveloped because there no engineers and technicians who can develop its economy. |
5.Loss of large amounts of money in the education of these people who emigrate.
1.Encouraging these expatriates to return home by providing better salaries. |
2.Providing relevant and good- salary jobs to professionals. |
3.Making the working conditions better and relaxing. |
4.Allowing more freedom of speech and human rights. |
5.Using “virtual participation” in the development of the home country if these professionals refuse to return home: This means they can stay in the country in which they are now; but at the same time they can participate to the development of their country through the use of technology (the internet), they can help by their ideas, training, research ….. |
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